Sunday, August 6, 2023

Another Market reassement

Yet another blog post of the stuff that is to be done.

"Why'd you start? Why'd you jump in with the market? Which is in demand of social media grooming arts." 

"If I wanted to make a living, then I'd jump right in with a slot machine of pin-ups, yet that hierarchy is always tempting, yet disintegrates the moment we enter mass society."

I show a video to Mr m about all the amateur vs professional regarding running a gym, yet it applies to monetization of my illustration/comic hobby.

"The clustering technique I've, in pure service of myself with the small, informal group I seek to change, I remember I need to be an amateur again, when I'm comfortable with that, I can commit to professionalism even when unpaid."

"Not a hack to content creation." I mutter to the M, with the video I showed it for the sense of being on the long tail of distribution. 

"Very well, do what you may." said Mr M. It was gone before I knew it with the flicker, I'd figure I'd talk to this non-entity the comes. 365 streaming streak would gather an audience. Yet this entity is the voice of my head of my anticipating and chatting, yet there's no instruction manual.

"Remember to monetize though when you need to make a living." I here an echo in my head.