Saturday, October 7, 2023

No light

We are all freaks, the light of exposure the corporations and their gatekeeper are not, we do something that will make it themselves. That's why the light will not shine.

I doubt that Oprah will shine us a light and unleash her grannies (although will it will be hilarious to have 50s woman demographic to swarm us.) Prime time of television has disintegrated into the internet and the fourth screen. The smartphone. There is not a single time now only the phenomenon of the internet. There's no lightening in the bottle picking moment.

No matter how many fads and trends we invent or discover.

Why the rejection? It ain't family friendly, it ain't fully fitting into other cultures, yet still on the internet and some off-groups of the internet, it exists with.

Only on the moment to create, that this is niche. With some glimmers that the publishers will show and reveal.