Books that form coherent meaning of knowledge, that fill up empty gaps. |
Books on my scruffy couch. |
Direct mail copy that sells! Herschell Gorden Lewis
"I follow a different cry, sales are all that count, any other scorekeeping technique is Ego-driven." - Lewis quote of the Machiavellian transactional world view of the direct marketer. All that hustle to make a number go up.
What a world-view of direct response and sales. Of what was once, a bally.
What a world-view of direct response and sales. Of what was once, a bally.
Where did direct marketing come from? I've got a hunch it came from this definition of the word Bally in this dictionary. Capture the attention, respect it, then get the sale.
The most business blatant commercial propaganda book I've read, completely shameless in the craft of making one click. There's something to learn when it comes to force communication that is contrasted with the literary communication means such Gabrielle's writing the natural way.
Forget teaching the western way and the flag to the youngsters, the teachers of the school will have to give their students, and it will cut through all that business obscurantism that is within the modern world. Including how dysfunctional business models laid bare with their instructions laid out.
Interruption and direct advertising follow this, it's nice to see it, of how to write a direct ad, as compared to the mysticism of brand marketing.
There was an art form to this. Being direct, especially with a difficult conversation. To speak with authority.
There was an art form to this. Being direct, especially with a difficult conversation. To speak with authority.
Direct communication and direct response writing has some remarkable craft that is to be respected, that ID-driven impulse marketing that's becoming less popular now on the internet. Handling the Limbic impulses of attention as with the more sustained attention impulses.
Could be argued to be too simplistic, it's done right though with respect. Force communication gives an important lesson to the artist even when he does not want to use it, to respect the time and attention of the audience. Well, well crafted direction, that is.
Attention/interruption>Purchase/education/permission>word of mouth>sale =Direct marketing.
Magic = Brand Marketing.
20 Master plots by Ronald B Tobias
These plots, with different with the author wrestling with what makes a plot and what it does not, go to the heart with the conversation of what makes a story. With the categorization being ever-shifting.
Did not agree with the example of between a rock and a hard place, yet that's here and there.
Rework by Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson |
Up-to-date reverse engineering of scientific management. For freelance and entrepreneurship.
This self-help book (i mean in a positive sense here of generalised advice). A coffee shop tidbit of blogposts in the typical variety. Not any, though, it's of business.
Not the worst of professional pursuit advice out there. Rather decent in fact. Continuously, we apply measurable productivity to our priceless, decommaditized gifts.
I tend to be within the “Watch your living, or somebody else will” camp, I know it's not for everybody. Even if approached from a hobby, learning the business mindset of the bosses of advertisers has its uses; it allows one to see their manipulation.
The one on rejecting workaholism resonates, along with the hiring advice.