Sunday, December 17, 2023

Channeling out, reflection of head apple meme.

Four quadrants, the left positioning being the most effective making, right is the foggier states with physical and mental availability.

I thought of inducing a state of hyperphantasia with this positioning grid. Only hyperphantasia being alone at my computer, aphantasia at the treadmill or listening to work.

Another means to blank out the inner noise with load music, this gym and treadmill does it. Stephan King does it with rock. All the means to get into the creative process and do the work.

It connects withe imageless mental state and the proceeding to gush out stateless mental state. High intensity music to stimulate a placebo of pulling it out and placing it on the page.

Then the editing process of putting the clothes and tidy upping the writing comes. Along with making it prepared for publishing call..

All over reference usage.

Reminds me of a meme with Hyperphantasia/Aphantasia by "@AlmakRowan
Hyperphantasia Have a detail vision of how the drawing is supposed to look like there human limitations of skill level hit hard
Artists with aphantasia can't see (stuff) in ther heads, Pure Vibes and joy of creating"

This phantasia can vary, it's predetermined noise that ends out of external output with the mise en place. It's important to get into the process before any of the work can be done.

Whatever the scale and scope of Phantasma one has, one has to bulldog through it. Does it really matter, whatever justification for resistance, it will happen.