Monday, February 26, 2024

Flanderization of self help

The secret is the end of the line.

What happens when the exaggeration and content creations starts to create a hackneyed line and intellectual laziness starts to settle. The content farm then the flanderization and then, the race to the bottom. This the system that drives them to do so. The existential horror of farming response we are drawn to.

Some red flags.

  • Burn the candle at both ends, (Work more hours) illiterate brutishness.
  • Over-placebofication that ain't prudent and responding to problems that demand a reaction. "Postive vibes only" All entertainmentese
  • No mutual respect of business tenures, check the contract.
  • Makes money of making money online, (check number two) a tautological inconsistency. Direct response is hard enough as it is.
  • Oversharing deeply personal family moments, commodication of family
  • Syllabus of every memoir and journaling moment, the algorithm cannot reverse engineer these publishing moments.
  • A replacement of a gatekeeper and a magical distribution that will lead into a moment of getting selected for a moment of prestige. They don't have Oprah Winfrey on the phone.
There are still moments where they're, once again. Prudent advice, a young one starting out without much guidance of then parents with the wild west of the internet that it is. I don't ones to learn the lessons the hard way.