Sunday, May 26, 2024

Faff about, Find out, Response rates

Why do mass advertisers consider not disclosing response rates as a dealbreaker? Do producers know that there are more than returns? When they are talking about response rates, they are talking clear about exposure in written form.

Sadly, they are too commercially jaded to know otherwise from. The slush pile ain't going to be heard from a pulse, from the mass entertainment hoops one has to push through. Mass entertainment production of the manufactured.

People won't notice you until you've become one. Yet the ambulance of the bullet hospital will zoop past. So most will have to hang about the swamps of SEO, on the long tail of distribution, to have their niche discovered. Then voila! Instant celebrity! (Not).

A good rule of thumb is that if response rates aren't honest, it sounds too good to be true. They won't be a spokesperson when needed. This is the professional arena we are talking about. Commercial corporations ask for it.

You can't be normal because you ain't normalized. Through response rates and credibility, and through that they may be an opportunity of payment, other than that, there's 'opportunity'. Response rates upfront, or it ain't direct response, only approximate brand.

The moment it's given, the moment it changes and the moment it passes.

Even there's content farms for content farming, yeesh.