Monday, June 24, 2024

Parasocial illusions/pedestal of our hobbys

From my Poem.

Parasocial pedestals are what we imagine relations and responses/reactions of others when the mindlessness of direct response machinery can give no other answer.

Little tickers of a little meter, going up to ten and a small amount of maths, magical maths of wisdom, apparently. Friend, friendlies of followers that follow, then not for no reasons deduced, non-understandable. With the art that may be pursued, even if it's unknowingly at a solipsistic level.

Even if it's solipsistic, it's a hobby. That may be good enough.

The world may be not ready for the resonance of professionalism, obscurity can be a friend.

The payment that can not be worth it.

Only with this path of sustainability with the hobby established first.