Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The get-rich-quick niche, youtube comment

Tip the angry potion in the youtube bile

Yes, from the comment. There's been a trend or niche of making a living on social media platforms, the reverse engineer niche, the meta growth niche. All nebulous in its very concept.

I'm going to comment on it, reflecting my own streaming schedule on twitch.

"Niche down"

Is this a no-brainer? Well, since the internet is a niche medium, not like mass television. This could be interpreted as a niche up, since variety is hard enough. This is not advice, merely a totalizing system of the internet, it's more observation.

The reason ssniperwolf got so big is because of the mass television experience, how it reflects the non-interventionist platform mindset YouTube has, is that an alternative? Na, the power law curve ensures those that simulate the mass experience can only reach the top. This ambulance chasing incentive will exist.

Being open to multiple nooks and crannies individually, I learned a lot from blender and comicing gags. Still learning more, variety of niches that reflects creativity I guess. Intentionalism to a single viewer is only the nature of the internet.

I guess these grifters are treating is a shortcut, though. Overspecialization in the gym without a base can lead to a sloppy workflow.


In the gym (another bodybuilding analogy), it's the baseline importance of accomplishing a general physical preparedness. It's the barest minimum, though.

Sustainability must be discovered BEFORE any of a posting schedule can be attained, Can one have the physical, mental and spiritual reserves before such a matter be obtained? This is going to be a case-by-case basis for each case, short speed may not be answered, agreed. Health comes first.

Be an Expert

This is a social media platform with minimal curation and creditation, there is none. This can be a problem in of itself with it's all that works as trust and attention become ever more priceless commodities. Why does these so-called experts need so many videos and work? Hmm.

A lot of this advice is from other professions from direct response advertising, repackaged and not new. There's meta-videos in the niche that's reasonable, Theo Evans makes no videos for making money, yet his postmodernism adds value, this ain't worth it though. Thanks!

(I don't usually write social media comments, this one is inspired me.)