Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Scopophobia - Negaphobia
1:22 hr essay of social horror.

Was my own lack of posting due to social anxiety?

Trying the self-examine why I was a lurker for so long has made obsessed.

Of the many ways to pinpoint a fear of creativity from comfortable hackdom; Two words.


This can and what makes a lurker a lurker, they're not a concern because there are a thousand things that a passive user may be doing to not publicise himself to the world, and that's okay. The moment he makes a thing a publishes towards the world, he holds a prospective responsibility to those which he can serve or not. To simply serve the idea of "I've made this."


From the storyomnics book, yet it reflects into certain trends such as 'cozy' horror.

This is from advertising and slice of lives, with minimal conflict and advertising purposes, at this moment though when a conflict happens. The story telling could inflict conflict that could be construed as a 'plot' or an intention sequence of events and character response/reacts to that.

Some audiences want everything to be nice escapist fantasy, yet that could be only an over-promise, so we could go and understand that this problem. As with postiphobia and neaturaphobia!

(Neologised those two phobias there, if you have a phobiaphobia, I understand.)

( Or, Theory time, negaphobia has been developed from mesmerism and animal magnetism, from to self-help trend. )