Oh, you, so idealistic.
Mar 29, 2025
Building broken ideologys
Oh, you, so idealistic.
Mar 28, 2025
The curse of a famous saint
Always undertake on the back end, always hugging the rearview
Mar 27, 2025
Patterns that bind us
Yep, that's another problem, Edify for those who aren't ready to be leaded, for the those who are literate. To serve the sexual formalism of a system of the next entertainment mascot that merely happens to bring the next thing, structuration in the McDonald's iron cage.
Mar 26, 2025
The previous ____ book.
Kyro Cleans after Theo and finds a book.
A questionable book
He can't think I can't read?
Mar 25, 2025
The A.I Gulf, and auto-posting software : Postbirb/Buffer
When you do research to do a journalistic piece. You go around all the Internet to editorialise into an essay, these are all notes. Incoherently placed, here we go.
Since others use auto-posting software, I've dabbled within postybirb, and the more dubious online app buffer. I discovered Buffer advertises itself with link shortening, so I'll be direct. ( No point hiding it, I don't think boycotting/blacklisting will work either. ) Toothpaste is out of tube.
To sketch out the labels some further, This is what called positioning:
Ai Futurists - Open sourcers () Copyright Maximisers - Ai Haters
Lets show this concept some more.
Some people use sneer/scare quotes within open source.
Since the growing of the usage of AI, I've been following the blogging of various writers who's describing their thoughts. So I'll have to keep track of this. Oh, I will vote for the shadow libraries because it's a means to spread the idea. I shall defend to the death for a creative to sales rep for free and paid. The economy of gifting and hobby does not exist.
They'll certainly be a market for hand-made craft, with more and more of this silly technology play-do'd search matter will create more blacklist. I speculate that it's still going to resurface with new iterations. This regurgitation is tasteless. This lack of direct action from others is also tasteless.
I do believe good artists should get paid for the labour and activism, yet this will move towards my leanings, given with my own accord. Copyright maximalism ain't the answer. It's not like these untouchable technopolys deserve any PR anyway, including Nintendo.
(Oh, and the reason I keep using bug is a two-way posting. Reduce cognitive load.)
Do contact me though, I don't
Mar 24, 2025
Typological awakening, out of mimes
It still surprises me today that people don't own and label it, words mean things, and they lead into our taxonomies that are countable and then into a dialectic to our countable.
Abstraction and self-referential reexamination can matter deliberately. As Plato pointed up with the paradox of our enlightenment with his cave.
Good design does not necessitate instruction, prose or poetry, yet it does not entail it. Especially when delivered.
Mar 23, 2025
"Learn to be a hack"
Such is seeing SEO reflected at me, I cannot change much as the system of those who don't read. That's what those high for.
Specification work, or hack work. Stuff by formula, then Dynasour.
"Those high follower count nsfw artists, Learn to be a hack, it will save your life!"
"The Thing about being a hack, it does not invalidate you for art."
Mar 22, 2025
Assuming Direct Control: Ideoeros
Direct control is relative to the ideological justification provided, such is the authority, authorising new cultivations.
A way of viewing of what can be seen an erotic nature of property.
Mar 21, 2025
Paids likes volume Advertising; Electorlism
As I evolve and adapt my praxis, it comes to mind that advertising, money and its influence remains forever predominant. That's not fatalistic, that's simply acknowledging what advertisers want.
You want to see less of a thing, don't say anything at all about it. Block it. Ignore it. Mute the words.
"But Bluesky doesn't work off algorithms!" But paid media off Bluesky does. So do investment analysis firms. Advertising campaigns. Market analysis for local big box stores. "This is what people on Bluesky are talking about." "Well, then it must be important!"
Mar 20, 2025
SEO or the other way around. One of the factors to consider within decision-making with putting resources and attention into in regard to the concept of importance.
The means to distinguish, or to calculate. What is an axiology, what scales within power scaling within each mind. To be squashed into a huge box of mechanised content, them moves into a new section.
Efficiency and simplicity are not necessary a means of making things better for those who the artist intends to serve, even if it matters. Death of the author or Intentional design.
This afternoon when those who values mechanical simplest he when they see everything as a nail they become the Hammer. One who hasn't conceptualised towards the importance of what can only see the quickest things.
Only a matter of the hacks that can't read, that's a problem with the NSFW genre in general. If every lane looks the same with no discernment of action, then it all funnels into the word of 'content'.
When there's no distinguishing of alternative, where do you go?
Well, act accordingly. Is the priority within our idealogy for a long term benefit, or the short term benefit of the sexploitative public road? Material reductionism is still vulgar.
Mar 19, 2025
Hills to die on
Such are held within the mind though, that's the problem with such vulgar reductionism that happens with such as the Techno-cruncher, and then the crumbly, down to no solid point.
(Racism discussion ahead)
Mar 18, 2025
I won't take no for an answer
Hopkin gives a speech to a golem in the corner.
"What do you expect from hypostatized sex appeal? A medal? Self-express? Self express, self in with the wants of a swallowing plush!
I'm the cute cat you're the fluff brain!
Make them writhe and fantize in their pillows as they phantasms in their visions scream for more plush! Till it crawls out of the vessels and eyes. Don't stop make them envision till the whole cult and authorities scream at you to shut the F___ up!"
He uses his cane to push the golem back up to it's feet, adressing it's dancing gear with an inspection of friday night. Its my job to see if it works.
"Give em' something to play."
Mar 17, 2025
Beach Visit
Dealing with an over-caffeinated cup within a yellow Addius jumper. Following a message online with wanting to practice Impromptu.
Burger was worth it though, no tummy bugs other than that hurl from not having limits within my coffee limit, It's a choir though. Why haven't I got to the time with playing with amusements? Is it my lack of response and measured attempts to fulfil an aspiration to something?
It's an attempt, I tell my Brother about Bluesky, he hasn't even heard of it, the internet moves so fast that even my family. He don't know about the microblogging and the attention spans there, it's a world that's going faster beyond my control. The cheesy attempt of determinism.
Yet this is the pace that I choose right now, and I own.
( I bet he does not know of the rule 34us industry complex within adult entertainment, oh well, domain knowledge's will never match up completely with our public languages.)
I can't entertain elitism about being online so much.
~Couch Gregor
Mar 16, 2025
Other than the luck
Mar 15, 2025
-------- new family girlfriend
My brother has a Congo line of romantic relationships. This girlfriend admits her age and chuckles for a moment, inebriated as they move towards with chuckles with my own single solitude with a computer.
Mar 14, 2025
Autonomous art
The claim that it can completely independent is itself a political statement, the avant-garde defence. These are apologetics with their own character.
Which is why the prosumer itself feels like the most condescending, degrading to the craft of art to hackneyed product. So the paradox comes to move upwards again. The prosumer has a memory of a goldfish.
Mar 13, 2025
Commited art
I cannot separate art from artist, as with commitments, everybody's got a pontification of it. I'll say it's certain vendors' neutrality.
I semi-agree with Bertolt Brecht about political illiterates, by the way, the only problem with that is that they deliberately don't read, which is counter to it all.
Mar 12, 2025
Contributions to the age of sceptics
The collective consciousness has spoken. Everbody's jaded. So it's our time to see if it's time to move from the copywriting, from action towards age of belief.
- Politicians
- Grifters and scammers
- Spammers/Trolls
- Slop/< Only applies to literary types
- People who don't read
- People who don't choose to read
- Certain authority positions in general
- Technocrats
- Hardcore Gamers
- Tantrum-throwers
- Industry complex apologetics
- Imposters not being pretentious
- Tantrums
- Hustle culture
- Toxic Positivity/Dogma
- Anesthetization
- Vulgarisation
Mar 11, 2025
Hermit editorial
Being a novelist is what I do. Against the status quo, wow, what a challenge.
I was the anti-social kid for being obsessed, compelled with specifications of drawing. It's all not serviceable to the meaning of the Internet, only wanting status and affiliation. What a world of wild-west randomness that I cannot determine.
Being on the moon can help, yet the payment itself is legible. Always a positive'n negative with such a means to express oneself journalistically like this.
Editorial stuff like this ain't necessarily contradictory. It's happening once the noise of the fictional entertainment/amusement dries up. Solitude allows the irrationality and conflicts to be played out, safely.
All my characters are split from my ideological conflict so that it can leave into an ending, between the primordial chaos and the orderly fixed catagorys.
( Also, Streamlining my rants, politics, and postmodernism into Editorial )
Mar 10, 2025
Nicey-nice Exocolonist objection
[CW: Discussion of politics, Nazism and Christian topics]
Such a term made to describe prosumerist trends online. "No pawlitics" with a rabid defence. If you do the language of entertainment, do it right.
Be it cultivation or hypodermic
"Look, you can never consider yourself special or discerning for enjoying a product that employed a literal army of marketers in a skyscraper somewhere with the express goal of getting you, personally to spend money on the product. You’re a consumer. You bought the most marketed thing in the world. It’s like basing your personality on liking Coca Cola, the most popular soda on the planet. Congratulations on being the laziest mother______r alive, incapable of discovering anything for yourself because you’re an incurious f___.
Why would you ever demand respect for doing something easy? Why would you demand respect for liking something popular? It’s popular, which means a lot of people like it. By definition, you cannot be special for liking the big and popular thing!
But along comes the person who buys the game with the ads in Times Square and the commercials on the television and the standee in gamestop and the neverending press coverage (because it gets the clicks, and who’s doing the clicking? a lot of other people just like you!) and they go “I’m special! I’m special for consuming the commercial product!”
I wouldn’t consider you a discerning consumer for buying a McDonald’s McChicken sandwich every day, so why would I consider you a discerning consumer for buying the most commercial s___ in the world?
Congratulations on being boring.
Now, hey, this isn’t to say you can’t enjoy popular media! I enjoy a McChicken. The Last of Us 2 had a pretty good shotgun and some nice graphics! But to suggest that you are special for consumption? That’s what is ludicrous. It’s not even serious. It’s pathetic and boring."
I can only relate to them with these other platforms, propriety strictness of the platform with a SEO that's hard to ignore.
It's still prosumers for the dysfunctional business models awaiting it's return. Act on the platforms accordingly. Aah, the annoying commercialism and it's paradoxs. thats another pondering. (Even the article asks for it, welcome for the machine.)
Mar 9, 2025
Agitprop, In MY smut?
The public want their polite fictions and bread from their saints!
Mar 8, 2025
Mindless attraction, Mindless repulsion reduction. Gambling and the desire machine.
Tension 》 release/interpassivity which is the point of fictional entertainment in its brute reductionism, applied into dominion and monopoly over the social media.
Mar 7, 2025
Stepford Wives
Chaos to Order here.
Mar 6, 2025
Trying not to caricature
Oh well, it's been in entertainment from its inception. Try not to get angry at somebody who has destroyed a distribution for artists/entertainers along with Steve Bannon, bsky. Out of the frying pan...
Mar 5, 2025
Careless Leftovers
Mar 4, 2025
Goldcat Cappy Ultima
The connection with the more of the desires of it's all connecting into one place of a Fabergé egg, it's all in the bag.
Mar 3, 2025
Hourly media game, professional =/= personal
The problem with certain trends that if you don't follow them you get ostracized. Such as a hoopla and the Pokémon phenomenon.
Mar 2, 2025
Not sexualising Jaimes trans Medicalism
As a cisgender man, who's gay. Reading testimonies via trans, expecting solidarity with representation within their entertainment.
Listening to other trans in regard to the representation, such as council of geek.
Some don't seek medical intervention when doing transitions, with their medical scars and transitions being fetishes being not the answers, whatever the case. Their feelings matter and deserve a platform going forward.
Learn something new everyday. I'll learn more nuances as I go along.
Mar 1, 2025
Ex Nihilo/Ex Post Facto
To make something completely new and to make something completely before, well what a difference.
So it exists, responsible or not. As the existentialist say, existence precedes essence.
From the novelist is the fandom/cover, hackneyed artist. (Paradoxical, yes it is. I am it myself.) Every pre-illustrated design being copied within the algorithm, to feed or to lead. Engagement in what?
Feb 28, 2025
Computational vortex, justification
C - "with" opis "Power-wealth"
Status behind, governance, implied politic
Power Wealth behind.
This is the basic sociological principle underlining each and every action of using interface design of interaction of media companies.
User or be used. Media platforms and its popular publishers aren't our friends.
So It's okay to give your self permission to make bad art, bad for what? If it has intent, then it must mean something else into another time. Immediate responses that don't count cannot be the only thing that matters.
Oh, All this action is directionless within the vortex, how that ain't talked about.
Feb 27, 2025
Delirium overload, Weird Art Celebration
So will the weird, obscure art be brought to light.
Feb 26, 2025
Indeterminate of pretension to convergence
So what is ultimately sold to the advertiser on platforms is tension, distilled.
Feb 25, 2025
Pretentious Hack
Who'd you trust? The honest hack or the pretentious one who calls himself and artist, wanting his tantrum taking seriously.