Monday, November 7, 2022

Favourite words

Crops fresh, ideas for precision.

As I write, I find words that have more value for my work more than others, to help express my ideas with precision. Along with my personal definitions.

Aesthetic Words
Heard it from a natural philosopher online, it's what the art is going to be and become, graphic design that's going to solve problems that's interdisciplinary from many walks of lift. All to form a category of one.
  • Visual flavour
Completely Neologized in Chip Kidd's Graphic Design book for kids. In this age of graphic design.
Knowing what your client wants five minutes before they expect it.
  • Wandering Generality to a meaningful specific
From Zig Ziglar's knowledge, it's applicable here though. Describing my process, such a manakin by thrashing in a gesture and then adding specifics, going beyond the specifics that I build my story's, characters. Treating them like category's of one.

Similar process are used in art, there's a reason they say work from big to small, it all fits in.
The necessary process of defining my character into a meaningful specific, I categorize, learning the taxon/types of the thing and sort it into my character. all to make into a category of one with the intentional design I have in mind. The entry that I seek to apply into my design.

Creative Business words
I cannot unsee it, it's the weather and way of the marketing can play us. Be it gatekeeper, somebody starting out, or somebody between a professional and a hobbyist. They matter. Matter in Stories, matter in Reality.
Treating time as a tool, not as a shortcut. To maximize productivity of the work given.
To check the string of decisions of projects given in life as a gift, to both accept and ignore it.
A happy amateur who likes to be paid. Can be defendable to a point for those who have to make a living which can be a moral argument in of itself (which I won't touch on) Yet memorable and remarkable are reserved for the amateurs and professional.

Being a hack is a not a life well lived. Not for me, though.
  • The nice customer who leaves
From Zig Ziglers Secrets to closing a sale. The best a customer can do if he dislikes the product/service. It helps orient the attitude towards customers and helps place the emphasis and importance of customer service as a skill that needs to be learned, regardless of field.

What helps to separate the amateur and the professional. Specialization of within a field to be taken seriously, that one cares. Connects with category in aid of one searching for references to show that one cares.

Physical words

Listening to ones own body, to which exercises and general physical preparedness is suitable in ones own lifestyle.

It's when one is going too as many-reps-as-possible on the deadlifts and barbell exercises, along with managing the stimulus to fatigue ratio.