Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Syncretic Eclecticism

Syncretic Eclecticism, that's a risky gobbledegook concept that's harder to conceptualize. Here goes. Singular, those nouns work, but combined?

Mixed and matched, context, respect, and consistency become hard to spot out the contradictions and the paradoxes. Ideas being assembled like the abstract intangible things, with no form of communication from the amount of the world.

How do these match, can they come out into a logical sentence to make a whole complete idea, with these doodle above making what is jumbled into a thought. That's the noun out of it all.

They come into time, lasting longer and longer with the verisimilitude of it all going to be made apparent over the timelessness, the random streams of attention over the Internet going into random directions. Flashes happening, one by one, through to close the blinds. Then peeping out of them to process.

All the combinations! To a concept that makes sense.