" Come on, Say it. Say the celebrity endorsement for the performative metrics."
"Could anyone _____ ownership of the metrics with my twitch channel to get affiliate status? I've been on the swallowed by the long tail of streaming. Since my work specialising in bara entertainment, not twitches entertainment product. Too exhausted and exhausting to do SEO or click-through rates. Call me if interested."
"See, that wasn't so hard, wasn't it? Will you want to work for twitches advertisers with that kind of call to action, the transaction. One from the battlefield of Babylon and the boardroom of modern business."
I sputter to the spectre, a more direct Call To Action.
"The most direct way is to give Twitch the metrics that it wants, open to anyone looking to share ownership and seeing if I can get affiliate, call me for community action."
"Anybody want to collaborate in making me affiliate? Here my stats, call me."
"Good, Simplify, so the back in the room get the message reaches the ones in the back."
"Please, you're direct care of your audience into my small channel will be a great help."